Dental Expert System


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DEXSY2 A Dental Expert System for Diagnosis and Treatment

DEXSY2 is a dental expert system, which diagnoses oral diseases and offers a treatment course. The system which is designed and implemented from scratch is capable of diagnosing among thirty five oral diseases and offering a course of treatment for each. It uses a decision tree for its representation of knowledge, and each of its nodes contains a frame. The knowledge base of the system contains...

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DEXSY2 A Dental Expert System for Diagnosis and Treatment

DEXSY2 is a dental expert system, which diagnoses oral diseases and offers a treatment course. The system which is designed and implemented from scratch is capable of diagnosing among thirty five oral diseases and offering a course of treatment for each. It uses a decision tree for its representation of knowledge, and each of its nodes contains a frame. The knowledge base of the system contains...

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dexsy2 a dental expert system for diagnosis and treatment

dexsy2 is a dental expert system, which diagnoses oral diseases and offers a treatment course. the system which is designed and implemented from scratch is capable of diagnosing among thirty five oral diseases and offering a course of treatment for each. it uses a decision tree for its representation of knowledge, and each of its nodes contains a frame. the knowledge base of the system contains...

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How Expert Should an Expert System Be?

A computer system which aids computer engineers in fault diagnosis is described. The system, called CRIB (Computer Retrieval Incidence Bank) is shown to fit into the class of pattern-directed inference systems. Emphasis is placed on the "before" and "after" phases of system generation and it is shown why, to be called an expert system, these phases are important. The forms of knowledge used in ...

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How Expert Should an Expert System Be?

A computer system which a i d s computer e n g i n eers i n f a u l t d i a g n o s i s i s d e s c r i b e d . The sys tem, c a l l e d CRIB (Computer R e t r i e v a l I nc idence Bank) i s shown t o f i t i n t o the c l a s s o f p a t t e r n d i r e c t e d i n f e r e n c e sys tems. Emphasis is p laced on the " b e f o r e " and " a f t e r " phases o f system g e n e r a t i o n and i ...

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عنوان ژورنال: International Journal of Applied Information Systems

سال: 2015

ISSN: 2249-0868

DOI: 10.5120/ijais14-451270